Thursday, August 28, 2014

Imminent Unveiling : Note 4

Samsung has begun its commercial promotion for the unveiling of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on September 3rd. What I have been impressed with is the teaser videos that they have released recently on the topic of how the different aspects of the Note series have utilized humans natural inclination to do things such as write and draw mix with something as new to human society as a cellphone. It is not just the topic but the way Samsung relays this message which is in my opinion is nicely done.

If you want to the teaser videos visit the guys at Android Authority through this link:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Guido Daniele

Guido Daniele is a hyper-realistic illustrator best known for his body and hand paintings. Most of us have seen his work because of the substantial amount of advertising he has been apart of. His pieces are both simplistic yet integrate. He is one of those artists whose work I loved to look at as a child growing up.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Samsung’s New Super Model Phone ( The Galaxy Alpha )


Samsung recently announced that it will release the Galaxy Alpha. The announcement also included marketing for the phone. The commercial for the phone in particular pretty much sums up where Samsung is going with this phone, Samsung wants this phone to be it’s sexier more visually appealing phone in its line up. Looking at the phone the first thing you will notice is that the phone is metal rather than the usual plastic of the other samsung phones. The images of the phone that have been released show an actually beautiful phone. The size of the phone which is a 4.7-inch AMOLED display is a different from the direction that Samsung was heading with its phone which was bigger is better. The decision to make this phone smaller was a good idea in my opinion . There is a large sector of people that prefer smaller phones and this sector of people is largely dominated by Apple .  I know there are smaller Samsung phones but there simply put dumb down versions of Samsung’s flagship phones with a mini tag put in after the name (Galaxy 4 Mini) .With the Galaxy Alpha Samsung can now truly compete in this sector.  As mentioned the external aspects of this phone are pretty nice but how is the internal aspects. Well the Galaxy Alpha does okay in that department. The phone features a display at 720p HD,  a 12-megapixel camera , a 1,860 mAh battery, and an Octa Core processor. Also one unexpected detail about this phone is that it does not include an MicroSD slot but only the 32GB of internal storage. I personally hope that this is not something that Samsung is planning to do with its other phones. All in all I am excited to see this new addition to Samsung’s ever expanding phone line up.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The painter, Wyatt Mills

Wyatt Mills’ paintings is like listening to a symphony it provokes emotion. In his own words  “I do not want to paint a picture, what I am struggling to accomplish is how to create an image that is not perceived as a picture, but looks like a memory, or experience. I want to incorporate movement, feelings, and a violent sense of instability. What I am dealing with is how I perceive my reality.” His art is one of a kind and is madly alluring.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Eric Zener

Water, Land, Sleep, Journeys, These are are all collection of work by one of my favorite photo realistic artists. His work has always able to provide the piece that for a person like me who mind is constantly running is not often accomplished. The water collection being my favorite of the four collections is something I often look at to clear my mind. His work isn't the most realistic however that seems to be an advantage of his work.  Many times looking at photo realistic art that is more like an actual photo it gets confused as such.